Savannah Product Liability Lawyer

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Have You Been Injured by a Dangerous or Defective Product?

Manufacturers are legally obligated to design, produce, and sell products that are free of flaws and safe for use. Consumers should be able to purchase a product that poses no danger to them when operated according to the instructions and intended use. In addition to the manufacturers of a product, wholesalers and vendors are also held responsible when a potentially harmful item is placed in the hands of consumers, know as product liability.

How Do Defective Products Find Their Way to Consumers?

When a defective product leads to injury or death, there can be multiple causes at work. These causes include:

  • Erroneous or Inadequate Warning Labels & User Manuals: Any product that poses danger of any kind to consumers should have sufficient warning labels that explain what actions or uses of the product could be harmful. Additionally, user manuals and instructions should contain sufficient information for proper operation or use of the product.
  • Inadequate Product Testing: Most, if not all, product defects should be caught during product testing. When defective products aren’t fixed and end up in the hands of consumers, the failure to properly test the product could be a major factor.
  • Poor or Faulty Product Design: From the very first concept of a product, there is the possibility that the design or an aspect of the design is faulty. If this fault isn’t caught in the design or testing phase, there is a good chance it will end up on the market.

Contact the Kicklighter Law team at 912-754-6003 
to schedule a consultation!

A defective product can often lead to serious injury for you or a loved one. When this happens, you may be able to obtain compensation for your medical costs, lost wages, or other losses. The Kicklighter Law team is dedicated to ensuring our clients get the full compensation they deserve. We have successfully represented victims of product liability for decades, and we’re prepared to help you as well.

Our team will fight for your justice and the compensation you deserve. Because of the highly complex nature of product liability law, we will consult with all necessary experts to ensure that we understand the full extent of your situation and what went wrong with the defective product itself. Additionally, we maintain relationships with key law firms to ensure that every legal resource is available to you.