Major Factors that Cause Car Accident Fatalities

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According to the National Safety Council, “[Over Memorial Day Weekend,] car travel has the highest fatality rate of any major form of transportation based on fatalities per passenger mile.” Per their research, alcohol consumption and failure to wear a seatbelt were two major factors of car accident fatalities over Memorial Day Weekend. Discover the details:

Alcohol Consumption Increases Holiday Travel Fatalities

Millions of people plan a fun beach weekend getaway or a trip to see their in-laws in a neighboring state. While alcohol may be a common staple to holiday weekends, it’s best to celebrate these weekends wisely. More people are on the road traveling increases the chance of collisions, injuries, and fatalities. It is vital that you do not drive while intoxicated, as that can severely affect your reaction times and decision-making skills. Here are a few suggestions to keep yourself and others safe while traveling over Memorial Day Weekend:

  • Designate a driver if you choose to drink.
  • Don’t drive after dark, if possible.
  • Always wear your seatbelt.
  • Leave plenty of space between you and other vehicles.

When you are traveling over Memorial Day Weekend, make sure you are keeping an eye out for a drunk driver. Read one of our most recent blogs detailing how to spot a drunk driver and avoid a car accident.

Wearing a Seatbelt Decreases Your Chance of Fatality in a Car Accident

Using a seatbelt can drastically decrease your chance of injury or death, as it prohibits your body from being thrown from the vehicle or hitting the dashboard in the event of a car accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), using a seatbelt reduces the risk of:

  • Front seat passenger car occupant deaths by 45%
  • Front seat passenger car occupant moderate to critical injuries by 50%
  • Front seat light truck occupant deaths by 60%
  • Front seat light truck occupant moderate to critical injuries by 65%

A quick click of your seatbelt can save your life and reduce the likelihood of injuries in the event of a car accident! Always wear your seatbelt, and make sure that children are in appropriate car seats or booster seats to maximize their safety.

Have you been injured in a car accident? Call our team today: 912-754-6003

How to Spot a Drunk Driver & Avoid a Car Accident

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Even if you aren’t drinking and driving, it’s important to be extra cautious for drunk drivers on the road to maximize your safety. Knowing how to spot a drunk driver can save your life and others! Here are a few tell-tale signs of a drunk driver:

Sporadic Movements

If you notice a vehicle is moving sporadically, it could be a sign of an intoxicated driver. This is especially dangerous because other drivers will not be able to anticipate the vehicle’s movement, making it impossible for them to pass safely. Sporadic movement can take many forms, for example:

  • Drifting onto the shoulder
  • Swerving into the adjacent lane
  • Turning suddenly
  • Zigzagging across the lanes
  • Accelerating too quickly or speeding

Timid or Slow Driving

Sometimes an intoxicated driver gives timid signs instead of aggressive ones like the examples listed above. Timid signs could be even more dangerous for other drivers because it may be harder to spot a drunk driver. If you notice any of the following signs of passive driving, there may be an intoxicated driver at the wheel:

  • Stopping inappropriately
  • Braking hard or intermittently
  • Slow reaction to traffic signals
  • Failure to use turning signals
  • Driving under the speed limit

The examples listed in this blog are only 10 of many examples that could be signs of drunk driving. If you notice any of these signs, we encourage you to call the police and avoid getting too close to the vehicle.

Hit by a drunk driver? The Kicklighter Law attorneys can help.

Getting hit by a drunk driver can total your car and cause serious injuries, both mentally and physically. Our compassionate attorneys are both fierce and zealous while pursuing compensation for your injuries. If you’ve been in a car accident with a drunk driver, don’t hesitate to call our team: 912-754-6003

How to Avoid a Car Accident on St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is quickly approaching, and we want you to stay safe! This festive holiday is known for its green beer and festivities, but it can turn deadly if someone takes the wheel after drinking. Here are four ways you can stay safe and avoid an accident on St. Patrick’s Day.

  1. Serve as the Designated Driver

    A designated driver is a person who chooses not to drink so he or she can drive friends or family members home who may not be fit to drive. Buzzed or drunk driving often causes delayed reaction times, poor decision-making skills, and failure to obey road laws. Being a designated driver can save lives, as you are not allowing others to drive while intoxicated. Ask everyone in the vehicle to wear a seat belt, as well.

  2. Opt for Highways Versus Back Roads

    Back roads are notorious for twists, turns, and two-lane roads. Even if you are the designated driver on St. Patrick’s Day and are focusing on the road, another drunk driver could be driving on a rural road and hit your vehicle. If possible, drive on four-lane highways, as these are normally brightly lit and straight roads. Always drive the speed limit.

  3. Avoid Traveling After Midnight

    If possible, wrap up the evening well before midnight to avoid driving with those who are heading home late from restaurants or bars. The darker and later it gets adds unnecessary risk to your travels. Ditch the dark completely by enjoying St. Patrick’s Day festivities for lunch!

  4. Don’t Drive if You Feel Fatigued

    Did you know that fatigue is one of the major culprits of car accidents any day of the year? Fatigue can cause you to lose focus on the road and drift into a semi-awake state. When you’re half asleep, you cannot make sharp decisions that result in timely reactions. Leave your St. Patrick’s Day get together before you feel fatigue setting in.

If you get involved in a car accident in Savannah, Georgia on St. Patrick’s Day, contact the lawyers at Kicklighter Law to see how they can help.

Whether you’re in a car accident on St. Patrick’s Day or any other day of the year, the Kicklighter Law team can help you seek compensation for your injuries. From the moment we take your case, we start gathering information and putting together a plan to pursue the best possible result for you. Don’t hesitate to call us if you’ve been in a car accident: 912-754-6003

Where do Car Accidents Typically Occur in Chatham County, Georgia?

Did you know that busy interstates are NOT the most common location for a car accident to occur? The four most common locations a car accident occurs is rural highways, two-lane roads, stop sign intersections, and parking lots. Let’s find out why and where car accidents typically occur in Chatham County, GA:

Rural Highways

Although rural highways do not have high amounts of constant traffic, they are home to many single-vehicle accidents. Most single-vehicle accidents occur when the driver is distracted and swerves off the road. Additionally, issues on rural highways such as potholes or minimal signage can be a factor in a car accident.

Two Lane Roads

Two-lane roads do not leave much room for driver error. When driving on a two-lane road, mere inches can be the difference between a head-on collision or safely passing the oncoming vehicle. Additionally, unlike big interstates that have wide shoulders, two-lane roads have small shoulders. A quick jerk of the hand or distracted driving could cause your vehicle to end up in the grass or in the other lane.

Stop Sign Intersections

Although Georgia law, including Chatham County, states that vehicles must come to a complete stop at the clearly marked line on the road, many drivers conduct a “rolling stop” which isn’t a stop at all. This can cause a car accident since the opposite driver assumes the other vehicle will come to a stop instead of proceeding through the intersection.

Parking Lots

The most common type of car accident in a parking lot is a fender bender. Distracted drivers or blind spots can be the main source of parking lot accidents. When in a parking lot, be mindful of your surroundings including other vehicles, people, animals, and more.

Contact the Kicklighter Law team at 912-754-6003 
to schedule a consultation!

Mickey Kicklighter is Your Premier Car Accident Attorney

A major car accident can cause serious injuries which can force you to take time off work, lose income, seek medical help and therapy, and more. Mickey Kicklighter has extensive experience representing car accident victims and getting them the financial assistance they need to rebuild their lives! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call us today: 912-754-6003

How do I Prove Negligence in a Car Accident Lawsuit in Chatham County, Georgia?

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Every driver has a duty to drive in a safe manner that will protect both himself and others. When a driver causes a car accident due to negligent actions, people can get severely injured. During a lawsuit, your car accident lawyer will have to establish negligence by proving these four elements.

  1. The Driver Had a Duty of Care

    The term “duty of care” is often used in negligence lawsuits, but what does it mean? Duty of care is defined as a set standard placed on people to abide by certain rules to keep others safe. So, the duty of care in a car accident case simply means that the at-fault driver had a responsibility to follow the law.

  2. The Driver Breached His Duty of Care

    When the driver breaches his duty of care, the law has been broken and an accident has occurred. For example, if the negligent driver ran a red light and hit you, he broke the law that requires drivers to stop at a red light.

  3. The Driver’s Negligence Caused Injuries

    There must be a linked cause and effect in negligence cases to prove that injuries were sustained. Using the example above, you now have a broken arm due to the red-light runner hitting your vehicle. However, if you broke your arm a few days prior, that would not be a linked cause and effect.

  4. The Victim Suffered Injuries

    If you’ve been injured in a car accident, your car accident lawyer can request that you are compensated for your medical bills. This is why it’s so important to go to a doctor immediately following a car accident! We can use these legitimate documents to prove your injuries and request compensation.

Contact the Kicklighter Law team at 912-754-6003 
to schedule a consultation!

Mickey Kicklighter has extensive experience proving negligence in car accident cases. If you have been injured in a wreck, please don’t hesitate to contact us right away: 912-754-6003.

Kicklighter Law

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer in Georgia Help My Case?

After a car accident, your thoughts are likely consumed with how to get a new car, what insurance will pay, and other car-related details. It’s important to involve a car accident lawyer to ensure each party delivers on their responsibilities. Consider these four reasons why you should hire a car accident lawyer to recover damages sustained after an accident.

Your Car Accident Lawyer Knows What Damages are Eligible

Many people hire a car accident lawyer when their vehicle has been totaled. However, people with seemingly minor car accidents should hire an attorney because the physical appearance of the car is not a true representation of what damages you can collect.

The value of the vehicle needs to be considered when requesting compensation, but also current and future medical costs, lost wages, reduced earning capacity, and more. Your attorney will know what damages are eligible and how to present them in court for a favorable ruling.

Your Car Accident Lawyer Knows How Much Compensation is Reasonable

Don’t be surprised if the at-fault driver’s insurance company reaches out to you within hours of the car accident. They will likely offer you an amount and ask you to accept. Very rarely is this first offer anywhere close what you are entitled to. Your attorney can discuss with you what constitutes as a great offer.

Your Car Accident Lawyer Takes Appropriate Action to Recover Damages

If you’re dealing with a complex car accident case with an insurance company that refuses to pay what you should receive, your attorney will either file a lawsuit or negotiate on your behalf. A car accident lawyer will fight for what you should receive via the appropriate avenue.

Your Car Accident Lawyer Makes Claims to the Right Party

It’s not uncommon for there to be multiple parties responsible in a car accident case. Your lawyer will make claims to the right party, so you receive enough compensation to cover your recovery journey, lost wages, and more.

Our Springfield Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Victims of Car Accidents

If you have been injured in a car accident, it is highly recommended that you contact our Springfield car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law as soon as possible. We will help you through every step of the claims process, address your questions and concerns, and ensure your legal rights are always protected. Call us today at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients in Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

Road Safety Tips for Teenagers

School is out, and summer is in. Your teenager will be home for roughly 40 more hours a week than usual. Does she have her driver’s license? If so, she likely wants to roam the roads and find summer adventures! Before handing her the keys, make sure you review road safety tips to help her drive alert and aware. Discover the details:

  1. Eliminate Distracted Driving

    Distracted driving encompasses anything that averts your eyes from the road, your hands from the steering wheel, or your brain from what is going on around you. From putting on makeup to using a cellphone, take extra steps to eliminate distracted driving and stay safe on the road.

  2. Practice Defensive Driving

    Defensive driving reduces your risk of causing a car accident. Examples of defensive driving include paying attention to your surroundings, giving the vehicle ahead of you plenty of space, driving the speed limit, and always thinking about safety first. It’s important to note that defensive driving is not aggressive driving.

  3. Plan Ahead

    If you’re planning a road trip with friends, it’s important to do research about the best routes to take and avoid driving in the dark. Nighttime driving is difficult for even the most experienced drivers, and it’s best to settle in for the night before the sun sets completely. Also, you’ll want to consider what roads to take that coincide with your driving skills (highways, interstates, backroads, etc.).

  4. Drive When You’re Fully Rested

    Did you know that roughly 15% of accidents are caused by driver fatigue? If your teen is awake for roughly 20 hours then operates a car, her body has the same reaction time as a driver with a blood alcohol content of .08%. No matter how short or long the drive is, make sure your teen knows to drive when she’s fully rested.

Contact the Kicklighter Law team at 912-754-6003 
to schedule a consultation!

Even if every safety precaution imaginable is followed, there are still other drivers out there that may not drive as safe. If a car accident occurs, contact Mickey Kicklighter immediately: 912-754-6003.


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Springfield, GA 31329

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Providing Superior Representation All Across Georgia.