How Can I Prepare My Teen to Be a Safe Driver?

Car accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers, which is a sobering statistic for parents of newly licensed teen drivers. Inexperience, coupled with the fact that teens are more likely to engage in risky behavior like speeding and reading or sending a text message, make teens more likely to be involved in a severe car accident. Fortunately, you can do several things to ensure your teen driver understands some of the leading causes of car accidents and the steps they should take to avoid them.

What Are the Main Causes of Car Accidents Involving Teen Drivers?

In Georgia, you have to be 16 years old to get a driver’s license. Unfortunately, many 16-year-olds are not mature enough to handle the responsibility of having a driver’s license. The following are some of the most common causes of car accidents involving a newly licensed teen driver:

  • Inexperience: This is the number one cause of teen car accidents. Teen drivers do not have the experience necessary to maintain their driving speed while paying attention to other drivers in the vicinity and knowing how to react to sudden, unexpected hazards. This makes them more likely to speed and engage in reckless driving.
  • Distracted driving: One of the most common distractions for teen drivers is their cell phones. Despite being taught that talking and texting while driving is hazardous, they are easily distracted by a text Snapchat notification or a phone call. Other common distractions include eating and drinking, putting on makeup, and interacting with other passengers in the vehicle.
  • Risky behaviors: Teen drivers have often not yet developed the maturity to operate a motor vehicle. They also tend to feel as though they are invincible. This can lead to risk-taking behavior, including speeding, driving while impaired, and failing to wear a seat belt.

Keeping Teen Drivers Safe

While teen drivers can get their driver’s license when they are 16, their driving privileges are limited until they turn 18. When they reach their license at age 16, they may not be on the road between midnight and 5:00 a.m., with no exceptions. Only immediate family members may ride in the vehicle during the first six months. During the second six months, only one passenger under 21 who is not a family member may ride in the vehicle. After one year, only three passengers under 21 who are not family members may ride in the vehicle. Once your teen driver turns 18, they can have full driving privileges. These rules are in place to ensure that teen drivers gain experience behind the wheel with certain restrictions in place. As a parent, there are additional steps you can take to make sure that your child understands the responsibility of having a driver’s license and that certain behaviors can have very serious consequences:

  • Talk to your teen. Discuss the responsibilities of having a driver’s license and that operating a motor vehicle requires their full attention. Talk about the risks of distracted driving and other unsafe driving behaviors like speeding and reckless driving.
  • Set an example. If you consistently put your phone away while driving, maintain a safe driving speed, and follow the road rules, your teen is likelier to model that behavior.
  • Set consequences. If your teen driver is caught texting or talking on the phone while driving, speeding, or breaking any other rules, consider suspending their driving privileges and ensure they understand why you are imposing the punishment.

Savannah Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Victims of Car Accidents

If you or a loved one was injured in a car accident, do not hesitate to contact our Savannah car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law. We will conduct a thorough investigation, determine who is responsible for causing the accident, and ensure your legal rights are protected. To schedule a consultation, call us today at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients throughout Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

Who Is At Fault for a Parking Lot Accident?

Parking lot car accidents are fairly common, particularly in busy lots or garages. While these accidents are often relatively minor fender-benders, they can cause serious injuries, especially if a pedestrian is involved.

Depending on the details of the accident, it may or may not be clear who is liable. Determining liability will depend on whether both vehicles were moving at the time of the accident and which car had the right of way. For example, if a driver hits a stationary vehicle, and the stationary car is legally parked, the driver that hit the parked car would be at fault. If two vehicles were moving at the time of the accident, liability will depend on who had the right of way. If a distracted motorist hits a pedestrian or is not paying attention to their surroundings, they would be liable for the pedestrian’s injuries.

What Are the Different Types of Parking Lot Accidents?

Parking lot accidents may not be high-speed collisions that cause extensive property damage and severe, life-threatening injuries. Still, victims of parking lot accidents do not always walk away without a scratch. Certain types of parking lot accidents can be more severe than others. The following are examples of some of the most common types of parking lot accidents:

  • Rear-end accidents: These accidents occur when one driver hits another vehicle from behind. Often, rear-end accidents are caused by distracted driving, including talking or texting on the phone, eating, programming the GPS, or behavior that takes the driver’s attention away from the road. In most cases, the person who did the rear-ending is considered at fault.
  • Entering and exiting parking spaces: When backing out of a parking space, motorists are responsible for ensuring no vehicles or pedestrians are approaching before continuing to back out of the spot. If drivers fail to look both ways before exiting a parking space, they could hit another vehicle or a pedestrian. An accident can also occur if two cars collide after exiting a parking space simultaneously.
  • Failure to yield accidents: When exiting a parking space, motorists must yield to vehicles with the right of way. For example, drivers exiting a parking space must yield to cars in feeder lanes, which are the lanes that guide drivers up and down the lot with spaces on either side. Drivers exiting the feeder lanes must yield to cars in the thoroughfare lanes, which are the wider lanes that surround the parking lot and connect to the road.
  • Left-turn accidents: These occur when a driver turns left into a parking space and crashes into a vehicle going the opposite direction. In most cases, the at-fault party would be the left-turn driver.

A Springfield Car Accident Lawyer at Kicklighter Law Can Help After a Parking Lot Accident

If you were injured in a parking lot accident that another motorist caused, it is recommended that you contact a Springfield car accident lawyer at Kicklighter Law as soon as possible. Call us at 912-754-6003 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients in Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

How Can I Handle My Car Accident if I am in the Hospital?

If you suffered an injury in a car accident, the moments immediately following the crash can be very stressful and chaotic. This is particularly true if your injuries require immediate medical care at the nearest hospital. However, while it is essential to understand the steps to take at the accident scene, it is also extremely important that you know what to do – and what not to do – once you arrive at the hospital.

The costs associated with a serious car accident injury can accumulate quickly. If the other motorist involved in the accident was negligent, you may be eligible for financial compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

It is important that you take the following steps following a car accident:

  • Call 911 to report the accident and request an ambulance.
  • Exchange information with the other driver, but do not say anything that could be interpreted as admitting fault.
  • Collect evidence, including pictures of your injuries, damage to your vehicle, skid marks on the road, and the location of the accident.
  • Seek immediate medical attention for your injuries.
  • Notify your insurance company that you were injured in a car accident.

Whether you are transported to the emergency room in an ambulance or you were able to get to the hospital on your own, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself. Some steps you can take include:

  • Do contact an experienced car accident lawyer. It is important to have a dedicated lawyer who will protect your legal rights, negotiate with the insurance company, and pursue the maximum financial compensation you deserve.
  • Do not give the hospital your auto insurance information. If the hospital administrator asks for your auto insurance information, tell them you would prefer to go through your health insurance.
  • Do not give the hospital a copy of the police report. The police report will have your auto insurance information, so the hospital may try to use this to try to collect directly from your auto insurance rather than your health insurance. Ultimately, this may leave you with less money to collect upon settling your case.

Savannah Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Protect the Legal Rights of Car Accident Victims

If you were injured in a car accident, do not hesitate to contact our Savannah car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law. To schedule a confidential consultation, call us today at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients throughout Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

What Evidence Do I Need to Prove My Uber or Lyft Car Accident?

Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft continue to be a prevalent and convenient mode of transportation. However, when you accept a ride from an Uber or Lyft driver, there is no way of knowing whether the driver got little to no sleep before starting their shift, is prone to aggressive driving, or is unfamiliar with the area. Even if the driver has a stellar driving record, keeps their attention focused on the road at all times, and knows the area well, an Uber or Lyft accident can occur if another motorist crashes into the rideshare vehicle.

Whether the Uber or Lyft driver was at fault or the other motorist involved in the accident, you may be eligible for financial compensation if you suffered any injuries. An experienced car accident lawyer can conduct a thorough investigation, help you obtain the evidence necessary to prove your claim, and negotiate the best possible settlement outcome.

As with any car accident claim, you should collect as much evidence as possible from the accident scene. This is just as important if you are injured in a car accident while a passenger is in an Uber or Lyft. If you can move around safely, take pictures of the accident scene, including the position of both vehicles involved, debris or skid marks on the road, and the location of the accident.

If you have cuts, lacerations, or any other visible injuries, take pictures of those. If there were witnesses who saw the accident happen, ask if they would be willing to provide a statement and get their contact information.

It is also extremely important that you seek immediate medical attention for your injuries. This will ensure that your injuries are properly diagnosed and treated. In addition, your medical records can provide valuable evidence for your claim.

What Are the Common Causes of Uber and Lyft Accidents?

Like all motorists, Uber and Lyft drivers are responsible for making safety a priority and obeying the rules of the road, particularly when they have passengers in the vehicle. If rideshare drivers engage in careless, unsafe driving behaviors, there is an increased risk of a severe car accident. The following are examples of common causes of rideshare car accidents:

  • Distracted driving: If a Lyft or Uber driver constantly checks their phone or adjusts the radio or temperature, they can cause a distracted driving accident. Depending on a range of factors, like how fast the driver was going and the nature of the accident, this can cause a severe accident.
  • Speeding: Uber and Lyft drivers are responsible for obeying the rules of the road, including driving within the speed limit. When a car accident is caused by speeding, the resulting injuries and property damages are often significant or fatal due to the force of impact.
  • Drowsy driving: If you accept a ride from a driver who has gotten little to no sleep over the past 24 hours, there is an increased risk of a serious drowsy driving accident. Many Lyft and Uber drivers have multiple jobs, so drowsy driving is a common problem.
  • Impaired driving: Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal. If a rideshare driver gets behind the wheel while impaired, this can lead to a catastrophic accident.

Savannah Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Clients Injured in Rideshare Car Accidents

If you were injured in a car accident while a passenger in an Uber or Lyft vehicle, do not hesitate to contact our Savannah car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law. To schedule a confidential consultation, call us today at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients in Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

What Are Common Causes of Accidents in Older Drivers?

A study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) found that older drivers have higher rates of car accident fatalities than any other age group. While this does not mean that every senior driver should have their license taken away, there are limitations that older drivers should be aware of that can increase the risk of a car accident. In addition, there are proactive steps that they can take to stay safe.

According to the CDC, in 2020, there were close to 48 million licensed drivers over 65 in the United States. However, that same year, approximately 7,500 older adults were fatally injured in car accidents, and nearly 200,000 suffered injuries that required treatment in an emergency department. This statistic does not include the injuries suffered by the other motorists involved in the accident. The following are examples of common causes of car accidents involving older motorists:

  • Slower reflexes: Older drivers have slower reflexes, which means they are less able to react quickly to avoid a potentially hazardous situation, like being cut off by another driver or another vehicle changing lanes without signaling.
  • Confusing the pedals: Older drivers are more likely to become confused and mistake the gas and the brake pedals.
  • Vision loss: Deteriorating vision is common. However, if an older driver starts to have trouble seeing things when driving at night, cannot read road signs, or sees objects on the road, this can lead to a severe accident.
  • Memory loss: This can cause older drivers to become confused about certain driving operations like using signals, how to navigate a traffic circle, or turning the wrong way down a one-way street.
  • Medications: Older drivers often take medication for various health issues. Certain medications cause drowsiness or other side effects that can impair one’s driving ability.
  • General health problems: Poor health can affect older drivers’ ability to concentrate, physically operate a vehicle, and safely navigate traffic.

How Can Accidents Involving Older Drivers Be Prevented?

If you have an older family member or loved one who is showing signs of aging that you think may be impacting their ability to operate a motor vehicle safely, it may be time to address the issue and discuss steps that can be taken, including:

  • Schedule an appointment to have their eyesight checked. Sometimes, an older driver’s prescription simply needs to be updated. More serious conditions, like macular degeneration, may warrant a discussion about driving privileges.
  • Get regular physicals. This will ensure your loved one’s physical and mental health is monitored closely.
  • Talk to a healthcare provider about medications. A doctor or a pharmacist can review the medications that a loved one is taking and determine whether there are any potentially unsafe side effects, like drowsiness, confusion, or nausea, that could affect their ability to drive.
  • Avoid driving at night or during inclement weather. Visibility becomes an issue at night, and inclement weather can cause diving conditions to become hazardous. For older drivers, this can be highly hazardous and increase the risk of a car accident.

Savannah Car Wreck Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Victims of Car Accidents

Contact our Savannah car wreck lawyers at Kicklighter Law if you were involved in a car accident. To schedule a consultation, call 912-754-6003 or contact us online. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients in Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

Should I Settle My Car Accident Case or Go to Court?

Even if you follow the rules of the road and try to avoid unsafe driving behaviors like distracted driving, speeding, tailgating, and impaired driving, you cannot control how other people drive. If you are involved in a car accident, you might be able to file a personal injury claim to recover compensation. However, this can include going to court, depending on the circumstances of your case, but most car accident claims are settled outside of the courtroom.

There are several benefits to settling a car accident case. For example, negotiating the details of a car accident case in court can be stressful, time-consuming, and expensive.

The most crucial step to take after an accident is to speak with a lawyer. They will help determine whether settling or going to court is your best option, as both have pros and cons.

Will My Case Go to Court?

While most car accident cases are settled outside of court, there are several reasons why it may be necessary to resolve the case in the courtroom, including the following:

  • The insurance company does not want to settle. Insurance companies may resort to various tactics to avoid paying a large settlement. Often, the insurance company will make an initial settlement offer. However, this rarely comes close to covering the costs associated with your injuries. If you cannot reach a settlement agreement with the insurance company, the case may proceed to court, where your car accident lawyer will protect your legal rights.
  • The at-fault driver does not have auto insurance. If the other motorist involved in the accident is uninsured or underinsured, you may opt to go to court. Remember that an uninsured driver may have little to no assets to draw on, making it difficult to recover compensation. Your car accident lawyer will review your case and determine whether it is in your best interest to settle versus going to court.

What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

After any type of car accident, you should do the following:

  • Take pictures of the accident scene, including the damage to your vehicle and injuries.
  • Get immediate medical attention for your injuries, regardless of how minor your injuries may seem.
  • Follow all of your doctor’s treatment recommendations.
  • If there were witnesses who saw the accident happen, ask if they would be willing to provide a statement and get their contact information.
  • Keep copies of all medical bills, doctor notes, and other receipts that reflect your damages.
  • Keep detailed notes about the car accident’s impact on you physically and mentally.
  • Speak with a lawyer to determine your legal options.

Savannah Car Wreck Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Assist Survivors of Car Accidents

If you have been injured in a car accident and have questions about whether to settle your case or go to court, do not hesitate to contact our Savannah car wreck lawyers at Kicklighter Law. Call us at 912-754-6003 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients in Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

Can Underinflated Tires Cause Car Accidents?

Some of the most common causes of car accidents are entirely preventable. For example, distracted driving accidents can be prevented by always keeping your attention focused on the road. Drunk driving accidents are preventable if you do not get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Maintaining your vehicle is another essential step all motorists should take to take.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), tire issues cause approximately 11,000 car accidents yearly. Underinflated tires are one of the most common tire issues that can cause tire blowouts and other potentially serious car accidents.

What Are the Risks of Driving With Underinflated Tires?

Now that summer is here, the increase in temperature will impact the pounds per square inch (PSI) inside your vehicle’s tires. Tire blowouts are one of the most common safety hazards associated with underinflated tires. When a tire has low air pressure, more of the tire comes in contact with the road. This generates heat, leading to a tire blowout or an explosion. When this happens, maintaining control of the vehicle can be very difficult.

How Can I Ensure That My Tires Are Properly Inflated?

You do not need to be a trained mechanic to check your tires’ air pressure and ensure that they are correctly inflated. The recommended tire pressure is usually found on the driver’s side door jam or in the owner’s manual.

The best way to check the air pressure in the tires is to purchase a tire gauge. Unscrew the valve cap on the tire, place the gauge onto the valve stem and wait for a reading. The PSI measurement will appear on the screen if you have a digital gauge. With a standard gauge, the air pressure will push a small bar out from the bottom of the gauge and provide the PSI measurement. 

What Other Tires Safety Tips Should I Keep in Mind?

The following are tire safety recommendations that all motorists should follow:

  • Check the tire treads. If the tread is worn down, the tires have less grip and traction. This can be particularly hazardous during inclement weather conditions. A mechanic can check the tread, or you can check it by doing the “penny test,” placing a penny in the tread with Lincoln’s head upside down. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, you should probably replace the tires.
  • Have the tires rotated. Tires should generally be rotated every 5,000 to 8,000 miles, depending on the make and model of the vehicle.
  • Use the right tires for your vehicle. Always use the tire size recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.

Savannah Car Wreck Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Those Injured in Tire-Related Car Accidents

If you were involved in a tire-related car accident, contact our Savannah car wreck lawyers at Kicklighter Law. To schedule a consultation, call us at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients in Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

Can Seatbelts Cause Injuries From a Car Accident?

Seatbelts are extremely effective at reducing the severity of injuries, and preventing fatalities resulting from serious car accidents. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), seatbelts reduce the risk of fatal injuries by 45 percent. However, a seatbelt can also cause injuries, particularly if the force of impact from the collision was extreme. While this is certainly not a reason to stop wearing a seatbelt, whether you are behind the wheel, in the passenger seat, or in the back seat, you may be eligible for financial compensation if the other driver was at fault for causing the accident. An experienced car wreck lawyer can help you file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver, and pursue the maximum financial settlement that you deserve for your injuries.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Seatbelt Injuries?

In addition to holding passengers in place, and preventing them from being ejected from the vehicle in the event of a car accident, they also dissipate the force of the impact to the strongest parts of the body, including the clavicle, chest wall, and superior pelvis. However, the seatbelt itself can cause injuries if it is not positioned properly, is misused, or does not fit correctly. The following are additional causes of potentially serious seatbelt injuries:

  • The vehicle was traveling at a high speed at the time of the accident.
  • The seatbelt was defective, or malfunctioned.
  • The seatbelt was buckled too tightly.
  • A child is not secured in the appropriate car seat for their age and weight.
  • The accident was catastrophic.

What Are Examples of Seatbelt Injuries?

Unfortunately, seatbelts can cause a range of injuries, the severity of which will depend on a number of factors, including how fast you and the other vehicle involved were traveling, the size of the other vehicle involved, and whether you and the other passengers in the vehicle were wearing the seatbelt properly. The following are examples of possible seatbelt injuries that can occur in a car accident:

  • Lacerations and abrasions
  • Whiplash
  • Tears to the muscles, tendons, and connective tissue
  • Fractured ribs, vertebrae, and other bones in the area of impact
  • Internal bleeding
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Chest injuries
  • Disc injuries
  • Organ damage

What Damages Am I Entitled to If I Suffered a Seatbelt Injury?

If the other driver involved in the accident was at-fault, you can file a personal injury lawsuit and seek compensation from the at-fault motorist. If the seatbelt injury was caused by a defective seatbelt, the seatbelt manufacturer may be liable for your injuries. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to recover damages from the at-fault driver and the seatbelt manufacturer. It is highly recommended that you consult with an experienced car accident lawyer, particularly if there are multiple defendants involved in the case. A dedicated car accident lawyer will review the details of your case, and pursue the maximum financial damages you deserve, including:

  • Medical expenses associated with your injury
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering

What Are the Benefits of Wearing a Seatbelt?

While seatbelt injuries do happen, the benefits of wearing a seatbelt clearly outweigh any risks. The following statistics support the use of seatbelts, whether your are the driver, the front seat passenger, or riding in the back seat:

  • Front seat drivers and passengers reduce the risk of serious injuries by 50 percent when they wear a seatbelt. The risk of fatal injuries is reduced by 45 percent.
  • You are 30 times more likely to be ejected from your vehicle during an accident if you are not wearing a seatbelt. Seventy-five percent of passengers who are ejected from the vehicle suffered fatal injuries.
  • Men who do not wear a seatbelt are more likely to suffer fatal injuries in a car accident than women.
  • Roughly 4,000 lives could be saved each year if all passengers wore a seatbelt.

Savannah Car Wreck Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Victims of Seatbelt Injuries

If you suffered a seatbelt injury in a car accident that was caused by another motorist, do not hesitate to contact the Savannah car wreck lawyers at Kicklighter Law. We will review the details of your case to determine who is liable for your injuries. Our dedicated legal team will assist you with every step of the claims process and negotiate the financial settlement that you deserve. To schedule a confidential consultation, call us today at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. Our office is located in Springfield, Georgia where we serve clients from Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and surrounding areas.


What if the At-Fault Driver Lies About Their Role in the Accident?

The majority of car accidents in Georgia are caused by driver error. This can include speeding, distracted driving, running through an intersection or a red light, or driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you were involved in a car accident that was caused by another driver, you may be eligible for financial compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit. However, if the other motorist lied about their role in the accident, this can make the claims process more complicated.

In most cases, negligent drivers lie about their role in a car accident because they want to avoid liability for the crash. As a result, when the police officer at the scene asks questions about the events leading up to the crash, the at-fault driver may lie or intentionally avoid sharing information that would help prove their role in the accident. The following are examples of common driving behaviors that at-fault motorists lie about in an effort to avoid being ticketed, fined, or arrested:

How Do I Prove That the Other Motorist Lied About the Accident?

If the other driver is clearly lying in an effort to avoid liability, you can take proactive steps to help prove that the other driver caused the accident. One of the first things you should do is to start gathering as much evidence as possible if you are physically capable to do so. For example, take pictures of the damage to your vehicle, your injuries, damage to other property, skid marks on the road, debris on the road, traffic signs, and weather conditions at the time of the accident. If there were witnesses who saw the accident, ask if they would be willing to provide a statement and get their contact information.

If you have not already done so, you should call 911 and report the accident, particularly if the at-fault driver refuses to take responsibility for the accident or is lying about important details about the crash. The police officer who arrives at the scene will conduct a preliminary investigation to determine the cause of the crash.

It is also recommended that you contact a skilled car accident lawyer who will take the necessary steps to help prove the other driver is liable.

Why Is Proving Fault So Important in Georgia?

Georgia is a “modified” comparative negligence state, which means that you can recover damages against the other driver who was more at fault than you. However, if you were partly to blame, your financial recovery will be reduced by the percentage that corresponds to your share of liability.

If the at-fault driver lies about their role in the accident, this can impact the outcome of your settlement. A dedicated car accident lawyer can thoroughly review your case, help prove the other driver is held, and recommend the best legal course of action.

Savannah Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Can Help Prove You Were Injured by a Negligent Driver

If you have been injured in a car accident and the at-fault driver lied about their role, you are urged to contact our Savannah car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law at your earliest convenience. We can thoroughly review the details of your case. To schedule a consultation, call us at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we proudly serve clients in Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

What Are Some Symptoms of Whiplash From a Car Accident?

Whiplash happens when the neck forcibly bends forward and backward. It is a common car accident injury, especially when a vehicle gets hit from behind. That sudden, violent movement can force spinal discs out of place, tear nerves in the neck and shoulders, and unnaturally stretch or tear tendons and ligaments. Sometimes, the symptoms do not come out for several days.

It is important to seek medical help soon after a car accident in order to diagnose obvious injuries, but whiplash is not always apparent. Without a medical evaluation and treatment, the symptoms could worsen. Besides that, if you are not checked out in a timely manner, others will want to know why you waited so long – the authenticity and severity of the injuries will likely be questioned.

Common symptoms of whiplash include:

  • Dizziness and fatigue: Whiplash often causes dizziness and fatigue, which causes sleeping problems, an inability to concentrate, and a noticeable lack of energy.
  • Headaches: The headache pain from whiplash can lead to pain that radiates in your forehead, but this can also be in other parts of your head.
  • Neck pain and stiffness: Neck pain might come and go, spread to other areas, and become more intense when you move. Stiffness can be felt when you have difficulty moving your neck from left to right or up and down.
  • Sore shoulders and back: That forceful back-and-forth motion to the neck during a car accident can also injure muscles around your spine. You could be feeling irritation and inflammation in your neck as well as your shoulders and back, including burning pain between your shoulder blades and lower back pain.

This is not an all-inclusive list of whiplash symptoms. Others include numbness or tingling sensations in the hands, arms, and fingers, or moodiness, confusion, and depression.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Whiplash?

During a medical evaluation, you will be asked to provide accident details and information about your symptoms. The physician will also want to know if the symptoms are impacting your daily life and if you were able to return to work. A physical exam will be performed. The physician will also check your reflexes, range of motion, and strength. Your pain levels will be analyzed, and any soreness will be noted.

If whiplash is suspected, you may need to complete imaging tests. Mild cases of whiplash are treated with physical therapy, pain medications, cold, heat, and chiropractic care.

Savannah Car Wreck Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Car Accident Survivors With Debilitating Whiplash

If you survived a car accident and need legal help, speak with our Savannah car wreck lawyers at Kicklighter Law. Call us at 912-754-6003 or complete our online form today to schedule a consultation. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients in Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.


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Springfield, GA 31329

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