Blind Spot Truck Accidents

Blind spots are the areas surrounding a vehicle that are not visible to the driver, even when using their side and rear-view mirrors. Because of their size, commercial tractor trailers have several blind spots. Smaller passengers vehicles traveling in these blind spots are essentially invisible to truck drivers, this can lead to truck accidents.

For that reason, professional truck drivers receive specialized training on checking mirrors frequently and accounting for vehicles traveling nearby. Drivers who are fatigued, inattentive, or distracted can easily miss vehicles that enter their blind zones—often with devastating consequences to the occupants of those vehicles. If you or someone you love were affected by a truck driver’s negligence on the road, reach out to a truck accident lawyer today.

Where Are Truck Blind Spots?

Most of the nation’s freight is transported on semi-trucks. A standard semi-truck is approximately 8 and a half feet wide, 13 and a half feet tall, and up to 70 feet long. These sizable vehicles have four major blind spots:

  • Front: Truck drivers sit at a height of several feet above the road, creating a blind spot that extends anywhere between 15 to 25 feet out from the front bumper. Vehicles traveling directly in front of the truck in this zone are not visible to the driver.
  • Rear: The blind spot behind a commercial truck is larger, reaching up to 30 feet behind the back bumper. Vehicles should never follow trucks too closely because they are not visible to the truck driver—and because they cannot see the road ahead. If the truck stops suddenly for any reason, the driver behind them will not have much time or distance to react.
  • Left Side: The blind spot on the left side of the truck spans from the driver’s door back to the middle section of the trailer. Other drivers should never linger in this space and should pass quickly on the left to surpass this “no zone” as rapidly as possible.
  • Right Side: The right-side blind spot on the truck is larger than the left, running from the front of the cab all the way to the rear. For this reason, drivers should never attempt to pass trucks on the right. They should stay alert for trucks making wide right turns in front of them. Truck drivers may not see smaller vehicles trying to squeeze by before they make their turn.

Who Is Liable for Blind Spot Accidents with Trucks?

Even if the passenger vehicle is located in a truck’s blind spot when a crash occurs, they are not necessarily responsible for the accident. Every driver has a duty to operate their vehicle in a safe manner.

For truck drivers, that means utilizing their training and education to identify vehicles before they enter blind spots, make safe lane changes, slow down into turns, and maintain the speed limit.

Failure to take any of these safety precautions may constitute negligence. Individuals who are directly injured due to another party’s negligence may be eligible for financial compensation.

But drivers are not the only parties that may be liable for traffic crashes. Accidents involving commercial trucks are more complex than the average auto accident because so many parties are involved, including the mechanic, the parts’ manufacturer, and the driver’s employer.

After any type of motor vehicle accident involving a commercial truck, it is wise to contact a lawyer to discuss the case and take the next steps to pursue compensation for injuries, medical bills, property damage, and other losses.

Savannah Truck Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Provide 5-Star Legal Counsel for Clients Across Georgia

Our skilled Savannah truck accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law have experience with claims against trucking firms, drivers, and insurance companies. We are determined to reach a good outcome for clients injured by careless drivers. Call us at 912-754-6003 or inquire online to schedule a consultation. From our office in Springfield, we assist clients in and around Springfield, Savannah, Effingham County, Georgia, and the surrounding areas.

How Do Potholes Cause Car Accidents?

Some of the most common driving hazards associated with winter weather include slippery road conditions caused by snow, ice and freezing rain. Unfortunately, these wintery conditions combined with fluctuating temperatures and general wear and tear on the roadways can cause potholes to form. In addition to the damage these potholes can cause to your vehicle, they also increase the risk of serious car accidents, particularly if a pothole causes you or another motorist to lose control of the vehicle. If you were seriously injured in a car accident that was caused by a pothole, an experienced car accident lawyer can assist you with the claims process, determine who is liable for your injuries, and pursue the financial compensation you deserve.

What Property Damage Do Potholes Cause?

If you have ever hit a pothole while driving, you know that hitting a pothole can cause significant structural and mechanical damage to your vehicle, including:

  • Tire blowouts and wheel damage. If the pothole is deep, and there are rough or sharp edges, it can puncture the tire or cause it to split. When this happens, the air inside the tire rapidly releases, which can cause a blowout. If the blowout causes you to lose control of your vehicle, or suddenly veer into oncoming traffic, causing a multi-vehicle accident.
  • Damage to the steering system. The force of the impact can cause the steering components to become misaligned, making it difficult to steer and maintain control of the vehicle.
  • Damage to the exhaust system. Deep potholes can cause the exhaust system to become damaged if it hits the ground upon impact. When the exhaust system is damaged, it can also damage the engine and put you and the other passengers in the vehicle at risk for carbon monoxide inhalation.

What Types of Injuries Do Potholes Cause?

In addition to the damage to your vehicle, potholes can cause injuries ranging from minor scrapes to serious head injuries. The following are examples of common injuries that are caused by pothole accident:

  • Whiplash: Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs when the force of impact causes your head to snap back and forth, which strains the tendons and muscles in the neck. If left untreated, it can cause chronic pain.
  • Head injuries: If the force of impact from hitting a pothole causes the head to hit the steering wheel, the windows, or the steel frame, it can cause serious injuries like a fractured skull or a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • Blowout injuries. There are a wide range of injuries that can occur if a pothole causes a tire blowout. Examples include cuts, scrapes, strains, broken bones, and organ damage. In extreme cases, they can cause tragic fatalities.

Who Is Liable for a Pothole Accident?

Government agencies are responsible for maintaining public roads and taking the necessary steps to warn motorists about potential hazards, including potholes and dips in the pavement. However, most government agencies are immune from car accident lawsuits through the principle of sovereign immunity. While these laws protect government agencies from being sued, they can still be held liable if you can prove negligence. In order to have a successful claim, you must be able to prove the following:

  • The government agency you are suing legally owned or controlled the road that had the pothole, which led to your accident.
  • The road in question had a hazardous pothole at the time of the accident. If you can provide photographic evidence, this will help prove negligence.
  • The condition of the road was the direct cause of the accident.
  • The road condition was so poor that the government agency should have anticipated that an accident could occur, yet they did not fix the problem.
  • The government agency’s failure to address the safety issue was a direct factor in the accident.

Savannah Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Victims of Pothole Accidents

If you were injured in a car accident that was caused by a pothole, contact the Savannah car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law. We will determine who is liable for your injuries, assist you with the claims process and pursue the maximum financial compensation you deserve. To schedule a confidential consultation, call us today at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. From our offices located in Springfield, Georgia, we proudly serve all clients of Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

Can Under Inflated Tires Increase the Risk of a Car Accident?

The fluctuation in temperature that is characteristic of winter weather can affect your vehicle’s performance, particularly your tires. Maintaining the proper tire pressure is imperative for maintaining stability, control, and grip when driving in inclement weather. When the temperature drops, the air pressure in the tires drops significantly, which can increase the risk of a serious car accident. If you were injured in a car accident involving another motorist who was driving on under inflated tires, contact an experienced car accident lawyer at your earliest convenience.

How Does the Cold Weather Impact My Vehicle’s Tires?

The drop in temperature causes the tire’s air pressure to drop an average of one to two pounds per square inch of tire pressure for every ten degrees that the temperature decreases. It is highly recommended that you check your vehicle’s air pressure as soon as the weather changes and the temperatures drop to ensure that your tires are performing properly.

What Are the Dangers of Driving with Under Inflated Tires?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), close to one-third of all passenger vehicles, light trucks and SUVs on the road have at least one underinflated tire. The NHTSA also found that blown tires are responsible for an average of 11,000 car accidents each year, resulting in approximately 200 fatalities. If you do not maintain the optimal air pressure in your vehicle’s tires, there is an increased risk of the following consequences:

  • Tire blowouts: When a tire is under inflated, the friction between the tire and the road builds up and creates heat. While tires are built to withstand a certain amount of heat, the tire can explode if the heat reaches an unsafe degree. The driver is at risk for losing control of the vehicle, swerving into another lane, and cutting off or crashing into other drivers on the road.
  • Reduced traction: Under inflated tires are less effective at maintaining effective traction on wet, snowy or icy roads. Underinflation can have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the vehicle’s automatic traction control and anti-lock braking system.
  • Compromised safety and operation: Under inflated times generally do not perform as they should. In addition to tire blowouts, a softer tire sidewall can cause your car to sway on a curve or corner, which can increase the risk of a rollover, particularly in vehicles with a higher center of gravity. It is also more difficult to steer if the tires are under inflated.
  • Wear and tear: When the tires are under inflated, they are more likely to wear out or bald much more quickly. Bald tires have less traction and are more likely to slip on slide on snowy or icy roads.

How Is Fault Determined in a Weather-Related Car Accident?

If you were injured in a car accident during the winter months, there are a range of factors that will be considered when determining fault. For example, if the other driver failed to properly maintain his or her vehicle, including the tires, they may be held liable for the accident. Other unsafe driving behaviors that would cause the other driver to be considered at fault for an accident include speeding, tailgating, texting while driving, or weaving in and out of lanes. A skilled car accident lawyer will review the details of the case and recommend the best legal course of action.

Springfield Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Victims of Weather-Related Car Accidents

If you were injured in a car accident, and the other motorist’s tires were under inflated, contact our knowledgeable Springfield car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law. To schedule a confidential consultation, call us today at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. With our offices located in Springfield, Georgia, we proudly serve all clients of Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and surrounding areas.

What Are Common Truck Driver Distractions?

People who are used to driving oversized trucks might not be thinking about how dangerous those large vehicles are. These behemoths are much longer, wider, and heavier than passenger cars and trucks, and can do much more damage in accidents. Truck drivers are supposed to be 100 percent focused when behind the wheel, but like everyone else, sometimes their attention gets taken away.

Smartphone Use

According to the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration), people who text and drive are 23 more times likely to be involved in motor vehicle accidents. Most people realize that driving and cell phone use is a dangerous combination, but it is a habit for so many. The real problem comes when truckers text and drive because this uses the eyes, hands, and brain. Checking emails and social media is just as bad – and even worse – because there are also photos and videos to look at and listen to.  

Even if the trucker is talking to someone hands-free, it is still a distraction. While a pleasant conversation might be fine, an intense discussion or heated argument takes a lot of energy and requires additional focus. Passengers inside the truck can also compete for a truck driver’s attention.

Loose Items Inside the Truck

Reaching for a device and not being able to grab it leads to taking one’s eyes off the road. An obvious example is a Smartphone, but truck drivers might also reach for a charger cord or a piece of gum. Making adjustments to a GPS, radio, or fan can also cause a trucker to lose control of the vehicle. If something like a cup falls on the ground, a trucker might look down and then try to grab it.

Truck drivers keep in contact with their employers through dispatching devices, and also use these to plan for poor weather conditions, map out directions, and keep their logs. These should not be used while driving, as doing so significantly  increases the risk of a collision.


Long hours on the road cause drivers to become bored and lose focus, and truck drivers are no exception. Since they spend so much time behind the wheel, fatigue often sets in and that makes it even harder to concentrate.

Eating and Drinking in the Driver’s Seat

Truck drivers have scheduled breaks to have meals and rest, but some still choose to eat and drink behind the wheel. When the pressure is on to make deliveries, some might even skip their breaks to save time and have their meals while driving. Messy foods are even more dangerous because a second hand is often needed. If the food or drink is hot, a spill could injure the trucker and lead to a serious accident.

The Savannah Truck Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Help Clients Who Were Impacted by Truck Accidents

At Kicklighter Law, our knowledgeable Savannah truck accident lawyers work with clients who have been in truck accidents and fight to get them the compensation they deserve. For a consultation, call our Springfield, Georgia offices at 912-754-6003 or complete our online form. Our service area includes Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and surrounding areas.

What Are Complications from Car Accident Burn Injuries?

American emergency rooms see more than 480,000 burn injuries annually, according to the American Burn Association. Approximately 96 percent of burn victims survive, but most recoveries are lengthy and painful and burns typically result in severe scarring or life-altering disabilities.

Burn injuries can lead to a variety of significant medical complications, depending on the severity, location, and type of burn. Certain parts of the body experience more severe medical complications than others, based on the level of burn sustained.

What Are the Levels of Burn Injuries?

Car fires are common in many accidents resulting in burns categorized up to four different degrees of injury:

  • First-degree burns: The least severe burn, first-degree injuries affect only the outer layer of skin and can be caused by severe rubbing against a surface, usually not involving fire.
  • Second-degree burns: Burns that affect the outermost layer of skin and the dermis, the second layer of skin tissue, often resulting from coming into contact with hot metal. Second-degree burns result in scarred tissue, blisters, swelling, red or white skin blotches, severe pain, and typically require skin grafting with healthy tissue.
  • Third-degree burns: Deep burns that penetrate the skin’s innermost layer and destroy the outermost and second layers of skin along with nerves and other tissues, hair follicles, and sweat glands are considered third-degree. This severe level of burn is extremely painful and almost always requires skin grafting or other reconstructive surgeries and leave significant scarring and disfigurement.
  • Fourth-degree burns: The most severe type of burn injury, fourth-degree burns destroy all layers of skin, nerve tissues, muscle, and frequently deep enough to damage bones. The majority of fourth-degree burns result in fatality, and those who survive face extreme pain, multiple surgeries, loss of limbs or other body part, disfigurement, disabilities, and face significantly higher risk of infection.

What Are Common Burn-Related Medical Complications?

Numerous medical complications can result from serious burn injuries, the majority of which require ongoing and extensive medical treatment for extended periods of time. Common complications include:

  • Scar tissues, disfigurement, deformities, and permanent disabilities.
  • Extensive respiratory system damage to the lungs and esophagus from fire and smoke or chemical inhalation, leading to difficulty breathing and lifelong oxygen use.
  • Extreme shock, leading to organ failure due to limited blood circulation to the heart, liver, lungs, or kidneys, and death in many cases.
  • Repeated infections, particularly sepsis, which can result in tissue or organ damage with possible death.
  • Death or surgical amputation resulting from infection.
  • Eye damage, such as scarring, blurred vision, infections, and blindness due to burns to the cornea.
  • Immune system damage causing extreme hypothermia or fever.
  • Chronic and widespread pain.
  • Severe inflammation.

Overcoming burns and resulting medical complications is challenging, and as burns can continue to cause damage long after contact, are also frequently life-threatening for an extended period of time. Burn treatments are lengthy and can be expensive, particularly for those experiencing high degree of burns and severe medical complications.

Am I Eligible for Compensation for My Burn Injuries?

Those sustaining burns due to a car accident may be eligible for economic and non-economic compensation if the other driver caused the accident. Economic compensation covers the easily measured monetary losses caused by the accident, such as medical bills, lost wages, car repairs or loss, and towing fees. 

Non-economic compensation refers to accident-related damages that cannot be measured as a financial loss, such as pain and suffering, loss of consortium, emotional distress, loss of employment ability, family death benefits, and onset of mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Those suffering the most severe burn injuries and resulting medical complications are usually eligible to receive non-economic damages.

The Springfield Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Represent Clients Suffering Accident-Related Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are traumatic, painful, and often require extensive and ongoing medical care, and severely limit a person’s ability to work. If you or a loved one were in a car accident, reach out to the experienced Springfield car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law. Call us at 912-461-6309 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. From our office in Springfield, Georgia, we proudly serve residents in Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.

Holiday Driving Safety Tips

The week from Christmas to New Year’s also comes with heavily congested roads and plenty of traffic accidents. Some estimates show that there will be close to 107 million drivers out on the roads from December 23 to January 1. Add to that the chances of poor weather conditions and nighttime driving and you have all the ingredients needed for serious crashes. How can you make holiday driving safer this season?

How Can I Prepare for Holiday Driving?

You might be too busy to take your car in for a tune-up this time of year, so at the very least check the tank to see if you have enough gas and check your tire pressure. Replace broken lights and cracked mirrors. Many accidents happen when drivers are rushing, and everyone feels like they do not have enough time during the holidays. Leave at least 10 minutes early to account for traffic and listen to the weather and traffic reports. If you do not have an ice scraper, first-aid supplies, and emergency kit in your car, now is the time to throw them in the trunk.

Driver distractions are the main cause of auto accidents and putting your cell phone on do not disturb is one of the best ways to eliminate the problem. Try not to eat or drink while your car is moving. Avoid grooming, adjusting your GPS, and anything else that will take your focus away from the road.

Remember that fatigued driving symptoms mirror intoxicated driving symptoms (slow reaction times, falling asleep, poor decision-making), so do not drive while fatigued or intoxicated during the holidays and the rest of the year.

Tips for Driving Safely This Time of Year

You cannot control what other drivers do, but you can maintain your focus and practice defensive driving during the holiday season. When you encounter other drivers who are not paying attention or acting aggressively, increase your distance and keep your temper in check. This can be very frustrating, but returning the bad behavior can escalate a situation unnecessarily. If you want to report a hazardous driver, have a passenger do it or wait until you can pull over somewhere safe to do it yourself.

Follow all of the posted speed limits and other traffic signs and signals. Do not tailgate. You will probably be seeing more tractor-trailers this time of year, and their large blind spots make it difficult for their drivers to see other vehicles. Give them a wide berth all the way around, as they also have longer stopping distances and must make wider turns.

The Springfield Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Wish Everyone a Safe and Happy Holiday Season

No one wants to spend the best time of year in the emergency room, but motor vehicle crashes are an unfortunate part of every holiday season. For a consultation on any type of automobile accident, contact the knowledgeable Springfield car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law. We are located in Springfield, Georgia, and help clients throughout Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and surrounding areas. Complete our online form or call us at 912-754-6003 today for a confidential consultation.

WATCH Releases 2022 Top 10 Worst Toys List

With the upcoming holiday season fast approaching, parents across the country need to make sure the toys that their children get are safe. Although they are meant to be entertaining and fun, some toys have hidden hazards that can put children at risk of injury or death. Although there is a federal agency that oversees toys and other products, they do not have enough time or means to inform consumers of their safety hazards.

Parents and caregivers have the right to know that the toys their children are playing with are safe and free of any dangers. Fortunately, World Against Toys Causing Harm, Inc (WATCH) revealed their 50th annual nominees for the “10 Worst Toys” for 2022. WATCH identified hazards in toys to help parents do so for the toys they already have at home or before purchasing. These safety concerns can include coin cell batteries that may be ingested, chemical burn injuries, blunt force injuries, or suffocation. WATCH also identified toys that have unrealistic warnings and instructions and reveal toy recalls.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), there were almost 198,000 toy-related injuries in 2020. Additionally, it is reported that 51 children have died from toy-related incidents between 2018 and 2020.

The nominees for the “10 Worst Toys” of 2022 according to WATCH and why they are dangerous include:

  • Cocomelon Musical Learning Watch – Potential for battery ingestion injuries
  • Disney Raya’s Action & Adventure Sword – Potential for blunt force and eye injuries
  • Li’l Woodzeez Tickle-Your-Taste-Buds Bakery – Potential for choking injuries
  • Black Panther Wakanda Battle Claws – Potential for eye and facial injuries
  • Zeus Lion – Potential for ingestion/aspiration injuries
  • Dingray Musical Bath Toy – Potential for ingestion and choking injuries
  • Ooze Labs Chemistry Station – Potential for chemical-related injuries
  • Bunny Rabbit Cuddly Pillow – Potential for suffocation
  • Pop’N Fidget Spinners – Potential for choking injuries
  •  Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic Blasters – Potential for eye and facial injuries

Many of the toy-related injuries are preventable, which makes every injury and death even more tragic. WATCH calls for more tools to give the CPSC the ability to warn consumers immediately when a hazard has been identified or there is a record of a child being harmed. The CPSC could also benefit from more funding, more product testing, and stricter safety requirements.

Over the past year, there were many toys that were subjected to recalls due to a variety of defects. Defects such as choking hazards or lead-poisoning risks have been well known in the toy industry for decades but is still consistently a problem. It is important to remember that recalls are reactive and not proactive, and that not all unsafe toys are recalled because of the lack of policing and safety regulations.

What is Product Liability?

Every year, Americans are harmed by the products they purchase, despite manufacturers ensuring their safety. If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective product or toy, then the area of law that should concern you is product liability. You would either require a product liability or personal injury lawyer for legal guidance.

There are several different products that can be defective and cause an injury, including:

  • Automotive defects: Car manufacturers are subjected to meet certain government requirements. However, when a car’s components fail or are defective, such as brakes, airbags, seatbelts, or tires, this could lead to serious injuries or even death.
  • Toys: Defective toys are quite common, mainly because of their lack of regulations. Defective toys can lead to chemical burns, asphyxiation, cuts, choking, or blunt force trauma injuries.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs: Defective drugs are dangerous and are sometimes manufactured or recalled.
  • Medical devices: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalls defective medical devices, which could lead to further injury, cancer, serious injuries, or death. Some defective medical devices include orthopedic products, hip implants, and transvaginal mesh implants.
  • Tools and appliances: Tools and appliances can become dangerous when they fail safety protocols or lack sufficient guarding. Defective tools and appliances can lead to serious injuries such as burns, electrocution, or death.

There are three different types of product liability claims that include defective parts or design, or ineffective warning signs. If you have suffered an injury due to a defective product, there are three different types of liability claims you would likely pursue:

  • Defective design: When there is a defect detected in a product before the product was manufactured, this is known as a defective design claim, which then means the design flaw leads to the product to be dangerous.
  • Defective manufacture: This occurs when a product is not designed the way it was originally intended yet causes an injury due to that defect. A defective manufacture claim is based on strict liability, meaning that you do not have to prove that the manufacturer was negligent, just that it’s error caused your injury.
  • Failure to warn: Sometimes a product may have an inadequate warning or instructions on how to use the product, which leads to an injury. For instance, this may include a medication that did not list dangerous side effects on their product’s warning label.

Proving a Product Liability Claim

Proving a product liability claim can be a difficult and complex endeavor, where you must show that your injury occurred because of the product’s defect. You must prove that you were using the product as intended, yet the defect in it’s design, manufacture, or warning caused your injury.

You must also prove that it was not your own negligence or recklessness that caused your injury but the product’s defect and that alone. Should you use the product in a way that was not originally intended, that would jeopardize your claim and may not reach a positive outcome.

The best option you have in a product liability claim, such as a defective toy that injured your child, is to seek legal representation from a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Springfield Personal Injury Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Help Families Injured by Defective Toys or Products

If you or a loved one in your family has been injured by a defective toy, then contact the Springfield personal injury lawyers at Kicklighter Law right away. Our team has years of experience and can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today at 912-754-6003 or fill out our online form for a consultation. From our offices located in Springfield, Georgia, we proudly serve all clients of Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and surrounding areas.

How Does Inclement Weather Increase the Risk of Truck Accidents?

As the temperatures start to drop and the days are getting shorter, weather conditions are also starting to change. Rain, sleet, fog, heavy winds and snow are common during the fall and winter months, and they can all affect road conditions and driver performance. While all motorists are urged to use extra caution when driving during inclement weather, this is particularly true for commercial truck drivers who are operating a massive 80,000-pound truck on roadways that may be slick with rain, ice or snow. Unfortunately, when poor weather conditions cause a serious truck accident, it is the occupants of the passenger vehicles that often suffer the most severe injuries and fatalities. If you were involved in a serious truck accident that was caused by poor weather conditions, you are urged to contact an experienced truck accident lawyer as soon as possible.

What Are Examples of Weather Conditions That Can Cause Truck Accidents?

Even when the road conditions are fine and the weather is ideal, truck accidents can occur if the truck driver is drowsy, distracted, or the truck has some type of mechanical failure. However, when you add slippery road conditions and reduced visibility to the mix, it can have devastating consequences, particularly if the truck driver loses control of the vehicle, and the truck is traveling at a high speed. If there are other passenger vehicles in the vicinity, the truck can cause massive property damage and catastrophic injuries and fatalities. The following are examples of the types of inclement weather that can cause horrific truck accidents:

  • Heavy rain: Truck drivers must be very careful when driving in the rain. Even a light drizzle can cause the roadways to become slippery when the water and the film that is on the surface of the road causes the truck’s tires to lose traction and spin out of control. Heavy rain can cause visibility issues and increase the risk of hydroplaning. Either of these scenarios can cause devastating truck accidents if there are other vehicles in the vicinity.
  • Strong winds: Heavy winds can be dangerous for any vehicle that is traveling on a busy highway. However, large commercial trucks are more susceptible to dangerous crosswinds due to their massive size. If the wind is strong enough, it can cause the truck to drift into another lane, or completely off the road. In addition to the crosswinds, heavy winds can cause snow or debris to obstruct the truck driver’s visibility, making it difficult to see other vehicles on the road.
  • Snow or freezing rain: As the temperatures drop, there is an increased chance that rain can turn to freezing rain, sleet or snow. This can affect visibility and cause the roadways to become dangerously slippery. Black ice is particularly dangerous because it is not visible to drivers until it is too late to avoid it.
  • Fog: While fog may not seem as treacherous as snow or freezing rain, it can cause major visibility issues. Fog can blur and block a truck driver’s vision, making driving conditions extremely dangerous.
  • Lightning storms or thunderstorms: A sudden clap of thunder, or a bolt of lightning can startle a truck driver, causing him or her to hit the brakes or jerk the steering wheel. Any type of sudden movement like this can increase the risk of a collision with another vehicle.

What Types of Truck Accidents Are Caused by Inclement Weather?

Truck accidents are rarely minor fender benders. Due to the size and weight of the average commercial truck, they often cause considerable property damage and life-threatening, even fatal injuries. When road conditions are unsafe, the accident can be even more devastating. The following are examples of truck accident that can occur during inclement weather:

  • Underride accidents
  • Jackknife accidents
  • Rear-end accidents
  • Rollover accidents
  • Head-on collisions
  • Broadside collisions

How Can I Avoid a Truck Accident During Inclement Weather?

You should always drive with extra caution when the weather causes potentially dangerous driving conditions. This is particularly true when you are sharing the road with a massive commercial truck. While truck drivers have a responsibility to use extreme caution during inclement weather, there are proactive steps that you can take as well to avoid being involved in a catastrophic, and potentially deadly truck accident, including:

  • Reduce your speed.
  • Stay out of the truck’s blind spots.
  • Leave extra following distance between your vehicle and the truck.
  • Avoid driving if the road conditions are unsafe.
  • Do not use cruise control when roads are wet or slick.

How Do I Prove that a Truck Driver Was Negligent in a Weather-Related Accident?

It is a common misconception that you will have a difficult time obtaining financial compensation if you were injured in a truck accident that was caused by inclement weather because suing Mother Nature is not an option. However, all commercial truck drivers have a duty of care to drive safely and to take the necessary safety precautions, particularly when driving in extreme weather. If a truck driver fails to operate the truck with the proper care, particularly during severe weather conditions, he or she may be held liable for your injuries. An experienced truck accident lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation of the accident and ensure that the negligent party is held liable for your injuries. The following are examples of negligent truck driver behavior that is particularly dangerous when the road conditions are poor:

  • Drowsy driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Speeding
  • Failure to check blind spots
  • Aggressive driving
  • Improperly loaded cargo
  • Failure to properly maintain the vehicle

According to the Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA), truck companies may not terminate or take disciplinary action against a truck driver for refusing to drive in unsafe weather conditions. If the truck company does not allow the driver to stop driving, despite the unsafe driving conditions, there is an increased risk of a serious truck accident. In addition, if the truck driver causes an accident after being told by the truck company that he or she must continue driving, and the accident caused you to suffer severe injuries, you may be able to hold the truck company liable for your injuries.

Springfield Truck Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Seek Justice for Victims of Weather-Related Truck Accidents

If you suffered a serious truck accident injury that was caused by inclement weather conditions, you are urged to contact the Springfield truck accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law at your earliest convenience. We will assist you with every step of the claims process, determine who is liable for your injuries and ensure that you receive the maximum financial compensation you deserve. We will not stop fighting for you until you are completely satisfied. To schedule a confidential consultation, call us today at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. From our law office in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients in Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and surrounding areas.

How Can You Avoid a Thanksgiving Crash?

As Thanksgiving approaches, many people are gearing up for long journeys to visit family and friends. However, it is crucial that these travelers take the necessary precautions to avoid car accidents during their travels. This is important because car accidents can be dangerous and may even result in serious injuries or death.

To avoid car accidents during Thanksgiving travel, it is essential to stay alert, obey all traffic laws, and pull over when you feel tired or distracted. Additionally, it is important to plan your route ahead of time and travel with a friend or loved one. Here are some tips to help you avoid a car accident this Thanksgiving:

  • Plan ahead when traveling during Thanksgiving by mapping out your route in advance and checking the traffic conditions. This will allow you to stay safe on the road by avoiding potential obstacles and being prepared for delays, which can reduce your risk of getting into a car accident.
  • Stay focused on the road at all times, especially when passing through busy areas or driving in heavy traffic. Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents, so make sure to pay attention to your surroundings, and always keep your eyes on the road.
  • Keep a safe distance from other vehicles to give yourself enough time to react in case of sudden changes in speed or direction. Maintaining a safe following distance will help you stay alert and avoid potential hazards, like sudden stops or lane changes.
  • Avoid aggressive driving behaviors, such as speeding, tailgating, or weaving in and out of traffic, as these behaviors can increase the risk of getting into an accident due to driver error or impatience.
  • Always remember to wear your seat belt while driving, as this can help protect you from serious injuries in the event of an accident. Additionally, it is important to make sure that everyone riding in your car is securely fastened in their seat belts as well.
  • Remember to take regular breaks during long drives so that you can rest and recharge before continuing on your journey. This will help keep you alert and focused on the road, minimizing your risk of getting into an accident due to driver fatigue or drowsiness behind the wheel.
  • Plan ahead for any weather-related risks that may arise during your trip by checking current weather forecasts and preparing for possible adverse conditions that could impact visibility or safety on the roads. Staying informed about potential hazards will help keep you prepared for anything that may come up during your travels.
  • Consider using alternate transportation options, such as public transit or ridesharing, if possible.

Springfield Car Accident Lawyers at Kicklighter Law Advocate for Safe Thanksgiving Driving

Getting into a car accident during the holiday period can be overwhelming and traumatizing, but legal help is available. If you have been injured in an accident, speak with one of our skilled Springfield car accident lawyers at Kicklighter Law. Call us at 912-754-6003 or contact us online to schedule a consultation today. Located in Springfield, Georgia, we serve clients in Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and surrounding areas.

How to Safely Secure Your Pets in the Car?

With impending Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s travel, families across the country will be packing up and buckling in to visit family and friends. Just like you would secure all of your suitcases and cargo, you also need to secure your pets.

Pack a Pet Travel Kit

Just like you pack a travel bag with supplies for yourself, your kids, and anyone else traveling with you, you also need to pack a travel kit for your pet. One of the most important and often overlooked items when packing is your pet’s medical records. Especially if you are traveling across state lines, or even international borders, you will need your pet’s medical records. Pets are just like people in that they can get sick more easily when they travel to a new environment. Having your pet’s records will ensure there are no issues with getting medical treatment. State, local, and national ordinances may also require any pets entering to have records of their vaccinations to enter the area.

Just like children, pets can get bored on long car rides. Keep them entertained by giving them a small supply of toys. Just make sure you avoid playing with them while you are driving.

Include pet waste bags and scoops in your travel kit as well. Having these handy will prove invaluable when your pet lets you know it is time to stop at the next rest stop. Not every rest stop or destination will have these supplies, so make sure you bring enough with you.

Make Sure Your Pets Have Food and Medicine

Your pets need medication just like you. When you pack your medicine, make sure you grab any of your pet’s medications that they will need while you are gone.

Depending on how long you are gone, you may need to pack lots of bags of food. These bags can get heavy and could present additional hazards if not properly secured. If you will be gone for a long time, you may want to pack enough food to reach your destination and then buy more. Make sure a store at your destination has the food you need in stock.

If you are traveling a long distance, put some food in your pet’s containment area in your car or schedule time to pull over and feed them. If you are traveling alone, do not fill up their food while trying to drive.

Keep Pets Restrained

If you are traveling alone with your pet, keep your pet restrained. Many people with small lap dogs or cats will keep them in the passenger seat or even on their lap, which is dangerous.

If you have a small dog, you can get a dog seat that straps in similar to a child seat. If you have a larger dog, consider a traveling crate that you keep in the back seat of your car. Make it comfortable for your pet, providing the crate with toys and a soft place to sit or lay.

If your pet is moving around the car freely, that presents hazards not only to them but also to you and your other passengers. While it may be fun for passengers to play with your pet while traveling, do not let your pet roam free in the vehicle while traveling. If you get into an accident, your pet could be seriously injured if they are not restrained. Your pet could also cause you to get into an accident by distracting you. Either scenario could end tragically.

Do not restrain your pet by tying their leash to a seatbelt or other spot in your car. This could cause them to choke or even suffer catastrophic and deadly neck injuries in the event of an accident. Use the right tools at your disposal to ensure your pet’s safety.

Keep Windows Up

Restraints can prevent pets from being a distraction, especially if you have a dog that likes to stick its head out the window of your moving vehicle. If you let your pet stick their head out of the window, you will constantly be trying to secure them so that they do not fall or jump out of the car while moving.

Keeping your windows up will also keep your car running better. Especially in the summer months, your car’s air conditioning will work hard. Keeping your windows up reduces some of the strain on your vehicle. As a bonus, you will get better gas mileage.

Install a Back Seat Barrier

Back seat barriers can help prevent larger pets from distracting you while you are driving. These barriers help keep your pet in the back seat and let you keep your focus on driving. Back seat barriers can also be good for pets who have trouble relaxing in a car. Many animals have difficulty riding in vehicles, especially on long trips, but using a barrier can give them a little breathing room while also preventing them from distracting you.

Back seat barriers also help keep your pet safe if you have to brake suddenly. While your pet may suffer minor injuries, depending on how quickly you have to stop, this will prevent more serious injuries and keep you and your passengers safe.

A Springfield Car Accident Lawyer at Kicklighter Law Will Help You When Other Drivers are Negligent

If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, speak with a Springfield car accident lawyer at Kicklighter Law today. To learn more about how we can help you, schedule your consultation by calling us at 912-754-6003 or contact us online. We proudly serve our Georgia neighbors in Springfield, Effingham County, Savannah, and the surrounding areas.


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Springfield, GA 31329

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